
Sport News

Firstly, please can I say a huge thank you to those who came to school on Tuesday evening to hear all about our sports’ provision at ECS and the rationale behind the way in which we teach. I hope you were able to gauge a sense of the departments enthusiasm and passion for sport and mostly the commitment and dedication to provide amazing opportunities for the pupils here. If you missed it, the resources are on the Portal and I believe you have been sent a link to our sport and wellbeing promotion video. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly, [email protected]

This week all pupils from Year 5-8 played in a block fixture against St Peter’s, Lympstone. We had stand out performances from Sam B in Year 8, Maria N, Josh T and Josie C in Year 7. It was wonderful to use some new facilities at Lords Meadow, Crediton. Three brand new outdoor netball courts for us to embrace as a home facility, the senior girls really enjoyed hosting St Peter’s in 2 competitive matches.

The U8 and U9 boys and girls hosted Mount Kelly on Thursday afternoon. The girls had a go at 7 aside netball and enjoyed the afternoon learning each position and understanding the court and the rules. The boys have been training hard in their Games afternoons and it’s lovely to see them transferring skills into match play.

Well done everyone on another great week of representing ECS on the pitch/court! Next week is another busy one with fixtures on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Then we all get a little break to have some much needed R and R.

Thank you for all of your continued support with sport.

Best wishes,

Emma Ross
Director of Sport

Explore our School: 11-14 November

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