
Category: Library News


We’ve had some fantastic reading photos sent onto the Reading Rocks channels!  Thank you! Monday is the last day for submissions – what wacky positions

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One Busy Library

Harry Potter ‘Book Night’ Events Last week there were quizzes and games in the Chantry Library. Well done to the wizards and witches who took

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Reading Medallist

Congratulations to the second medallist in the Reading Challenge. Ralph has completed the five book Reading Challenge. Well done!

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Library News

Congratulations to the First Medallist in the Autumn Reading Challenge. Ting (Year 4) has completed the five book Autumn Reading Challenge. Well done, Ting, on

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New Books for Hall House

After the highly successful Readathon last term, raising over £1500, a new consignment of books has arrived at Hall House! The children were delighted to look at some

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Library News

Celebrating Shakespeare Week No ‘bibble-babble’ or ‘slug-abeds’ were permitted in the Chantry Library this week as pupils celebrated the life of Shakespeare and his plays.

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