Exeter Cathedral School is an ancient foundation with traditional values and a modern approach, providing a remarkably tailored education to girls and boys aged 3-13 in the heart of Exeter.


We seek to:

  • Be a happy and purposeful community where people matter.
  • Promote the central importance of the development of character.
  • Be a place where children can be children, where learning – in all its forms – is taken seriously, and where each and every child is known and valued as an individual.
  • Offer a first-rate all-round educational experience where the focus is on developing the whole child. Our job is to work with families to help our pupils acquire the right habits for life.
  • Foster a supportive, purposeful, stimulating and gently-Christian environment, in which the following provision to pupils is recognised as being paramount and held in high regard:

Academic rigour
Exceptional pastoral care and pupil wellbeing
Bright and modern facilities
A broad and exciting range of extra-curricular activities
A high-calibre sporting and wellbeing education
A world-class musical education
An unparalleled musical heritage and history
A sense of spirituality, timelessness, and wonder, borne out of our ancient foundations as a 12th century choir school

Our Values, Habits and Skills

The endorsing and upholding of core values; the modelling and promoting of the right habits; and the acquiring and practising of key skills: this is at the heart of our curriculum (both hidden and explicit), our interactions, our decision-making and our expectations.

The following Habits are explicitly promoted and modelled to, and expected of, our pupils and staff:

Pre-Prep Golden Habits                                

We are kind and helpful

We are gentle

We listen

We look after property

We are honest

We work hard

Prep School Habits

The habit of hard work

The habit of honouring your commitments

The habit of having a go and keeping going

The habit of taking part

The habit of listening

The habit of being honest, modest and kind

The habit of looking after other people

The habit of looking after your surroundings

The habit of looking after yourself

Interested in enrolling at Exeter Cathedral School?

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the admissions process, or simply about life at Exeter Cathedral School in general.

To find out more, please contact our friendly admissions team using the button below:
See your child flourish at Exeter Cathedral School
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