
Category: Sport

Sport News

I must admit, looking at the predicted forecast for this week did make me panic a little. I have no idea how, but we managed

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Sport News

After a restful break the pupils were back on the Games pitches for more fixtures in netball and hockey while in PE the focus turned

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Sport News

The week began with some Anglo Saxons in PE, Year 4 were testing their balance on various types of equipment including a wobble board, a

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Sport News

Firstly, please can I say a huge thank you to those who came to school on Tuesday evening to hear all about our sports’ provision

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Sport News

At the end of last week I got to teach a lively bunch of Year 2 pirates in PE, we had all sorts of pirate

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Sport News

In a week where our focus was on ‘diversity’, we had perfect examples of how every pupil brings their own special talents and abilities to

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Sport News

The first full week back has been a little testing for outdoor sports. The weather has not been kind to us, however, the good news is

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Sport News

It was a week filled with competitive spirit as the winners of the Inter House Hockey and Rugby titles were closely contested. The Year 5

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Sport News

It was the final week of fixtures before the Christmas break and the pupils were excited to end the term on a high note. On

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Sport News

It was the U10 girls who kick started the week against Maynard in a home fixture at the university astroturf pitches. A dry and sunny

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