
Superhero Sport!

What a week, I am just catching my breath! It has been filled with so much energy and excitement, you can tell the end of term is within touching distance.

We kick started the week with multi sports club for Year 5 and 6. Each week they try a new sport and this week we had lots of fun learning the skills of Lacrosse. We learned to cradle the ball and worked hard on our hand/eye coordination when catching the ball. Our star participant this week was Charlotte M, well done.


With the absence of the Year 3 and 4 Bubble we took on a new challenge. Every Year 3 and 4 PE, Fundamental Movement Skills and Games lesson was taught live from school to home. We had Superhero workouts, fitness bingo, circuit training and even some Christmas themed lessons. I have been so impressed with the commitment of the pupils (and parents) online, they remain as keen as ever and you can see their enthusiasm, even through a screen. 

In Year 5 and 6 Games we have been doing some team building exercises. It was competitive, fun and as the pupils discovered, it required a lot of positive communication. It was lovely to see the pupils’ focus on their decision making and teamwork to achieve desired tasks. Year 5 and 6 also joined year 7 and 8 for their termly Inter-House Competition, the girls played hockey and the boys played rugby.

Next week we look forward to our end of term sports assemblies and congratulating each pupil for a fantastic term of sport.

 Have a lovely weekend,

Emma Ross

Director of Sport

Year 7 Form Tutor

Explore our School: 11-14 November

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