
Pupil Voice Drives Curriculum Expansion: Exciting New Clubs Added for Trinity Term

We’re well into Trinity Term at Exeter Cathedral School, and a recent Pupil Voice initiative is proving to be a resounding success. As reported earlier, the school expanded its extra-curricular programme based on feedback gathered through a comprehensive survey conducted across the Prep School during the Lent term.

The survey provided insights into current club preferences and pupil desires for new activities. Now, halfway through the term, we can confidently say that the implemented changes have been met with great enthusiasm.

The newly introduced clubs have become a popular choice for many ECS pupils:

  • Senior Drama Club: Budding thespians are honing their acting skills, exploring theatrical productions and unleashing their creativity in the Senior Drama Club.
  • Basketball Club: From aspiring athletes to those who simply enjoy a good game, the Basketball Club is fostering teamwork, friendly competition and a love for the sport.
  • Mythology Club: Delving into captivating stories from around the globe, the Mythology Club is taking pupils on a fascinating journey into the world of myths and legends.
  • Tennis Club: Whether a beginner or a seasoned player, the Tennis Club is providing opportunities to learn new techniques, refine existing skills and enjoy some friendly competition on the court.
  • Nature Club: Pupils are connecting with the natural world, exploring the wonders of ecology and developing a deeper appreciation for the environment through our Nature Club.

These additions are already making a positive impact on the school community, and plans are underway to explore the many other interesting ideas generated by the survey. Pupils can look forward to even more exciting offerings in the future.

Exeter Cathedral School remains committed to prioritising pupil voice. The school is dedicated to actively listening to its pupils and providing them with enriching experiences that contribute to their overall wellbeing and development.

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