
Pupil Voice: An interview with our Head Girl and Head Boy

As pupils are settling back in to the new routine of School and with our focus on mental health and wellbeing for all, this week we’ve been talking to members of our Pupil Leadership Team: Head Girl, Xanthe S and Head Boy, Ruari Q.

We talked about how things are going, what learning is like now that all pupils are in School together, our new School lunches, some of things that may have had to change as a result of COVID and what they are looking forward to this term.

Are you enjoying being back on-site?
Xanthe: I am enjoying being back, seeing everyone and learning face-to-face. It’s nice doing sport all together again and learning new skills.
Ruari: I am really enjoying being back on-site because I can see my friends and teachers in real life, learning all together and having lots of fun laughs!


What is the most exciting thing about being back in School? 

Ruari: seeing all my friends, and teachers and having music lessons again.


What do you think of the new School lunches?

Xanthe: they are very nice; I love having something different every week. The new break-time snacks are delicious.


How do you feel about reconnecting with teachers?

Ruari: I really like seeing the teachers again, especially meeting the new teachers.


What lessons are you enjoying?

Xanthe: I am enjoying learning again and in particular doing art with all the materials we could possibly need. I like building up my portfolio ready for December for my Scholarship.

Ruari: I am really enjoying music enrichment because it is challenging but really fun. My friend Tom, who is doing sports enrichment says it is very fun and a nice way to start the week on a Monday morning.


Do you understand the School C-19 guidelines?

Xanthe: I am feeling safe in School because all the staff are doing their very best to make it a happy place. We are happy in our Bubbles and still get time on the playground!

Ruari: yes and we try to follow them at all times, even if it is hard. We have to sanitise our hands going in to different areas of the School, and, where possible, stay 2m from other people.


What are you most looking forward to this academic year?

Xanthe: We’re looking forward to the opportunity to be part of a Bubble performance in the Cathedral, hopefully before Christmas.


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