
Live Lectures series for Year 8’s continues as part of ECS: Futures Programme
Our Year 8 pupils have been attending Live Lectures over the past couple of weeks, which we run as part of our ECS: Futures programme.
We are delighted to welcome a diverse range of Guest Speakers and look forward to hearing about many different topics as the series continues.

Their first session was with Psychologist Emma Haddleton, who shared with them her understanding of how the brain works.


Next up, they were treated to a talk from Gary Milne about his career as a professional golfer and now coach.

Madeleine Shaw then came to talk about her life as a professional opera singer and treated us to a wonderful performance. When asked what her advice to a young person interested in a career as an opera singer might be, she said ‘become bulletproof about taking on advice and gather people that are supportive.’
Roland Williams joined us virtually to talk about his extraordinary micro-adventures and using nature to boost wellbeing.
We want to extend a HUGE thank you to our speakers so far, for giving up their time to come and inspire our Year 8 pupils. The feedback from the sessions has been brilliant…
“Live speakers have been really great, very interesting,” – Owen 
“I am really enjoying the programme.”- Ruari 
“[Live Lectures] teaches us skills that we wouldn’t learn in classes normally.”- Kersten
“Gary the golf man was very cool!”- William 
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