
Languages: Year 7 share about their families, in French!
After putting a lot of work into making family posters, Year 7 pupils are presenting their family to their class this week, all in French. In their presentation, pupils have to describe each member of their immediate family including their physical appearance, their personality and things they like or dislike about them. For most of them, it is the first time they have had to stand in front of their classmates and speak French for about 4 minutes. On top of it all, the pupils in the audience are using the Common Entrance exam mark scheme to assess their friends’ work. Even though they are only in Year 7, these hardworking pupils are already practicing and building up their confidence for their exams next year.
Well done Phoebe G, Ellie May B and Anna E for their outstanding performances.

Mr Baurance

Head of Languages

Head of Boarding


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