
Pre-Prep Clubs

Fun With Paper Club:

The last ten weeks have been fun in many ways but our Fun with Paper club on Monday has been REALLY FUN and we have produced some excellent paper creations.

In the last session of the term everyone made a flower for Mothers Day using a variety of different papers – tissue paper, crepe paper and newsprint.

The children crafted the papers together to produce the stunning flowers you can see in the images. Well done everyone and Happy Mothers Day to all our mums.

Construction Club:

It’s all go in Construction Club. Our engineersiof-the-future have been building space stations, rocket launchers with Lego and Mobile while boxes provide the materials for detailed machines and treasure!

Around the World Club:

In ‘Around the World’ club this term, we have visited each and every continent in the world. We began in Europe where we tried a variety of different foods, including French croissants, Greek yoghurt, Swiss cheese, Welsh cakes and German biscuits. We enjoyed dot painting in Australia, Chinese calligraphy and Bollywood dancing in Asia, painting rainforest dwelling snakes in South America, had a go at running a Diner in North America, played in the snow in Antarctica, and tried our hand at drumming in Africa. It has been a busy and fun term, and we have all enjoyed learning about the wonderful world in which we live.


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