
FECS Letter 24th May

The half term holiday is upon us already and looking back over the past weeks since Easter it’s very satisfying to see how much the FECS team has delivered in terms of events and funds raised towards our IT project and other requests for funds.

The Junior Movie Night as always was very popular and ‘Early Man’ being the movie being shown.  Last week the final Hall House cake sale of the year took place which was yet another success and I am pleased to announce that the final total of raised by all the sales is £54.86. The Hall House Representative will shortly be announcing the winning year group who will be presented with a certificate in assembly along with a year group treat as a prize. The FECS Art Exhibition and Charity Auction fundraiser took place last Friday which was commented by many as being a very enjoyable and relaxed evening.  We had some exquisite pieces of art on display by local artists along with artwork by all the pupils which is being collated into year group collages which were available to order on the night and we plan to also make available at the forthcoming fete.  There were some amazing auction lots up for grabs on the evening and overall the evening raised approximately £3100.

Preparations for the Summer Fete which is taking place on Saturday 15th June are well underway and today two books of raffle tickets have been send home with pupils for each family.  The raffle is a huge We have some great prizes as always, please do support us by purchasing or selling these tickets and returning the completed stubs and money to school.  This will be our last fundraising event of the year which we are hoping will allow us to reach our target so we can purchase the iPads and laptops requested by Hall House and various other departments across the school.

As well as your support with regard to the raffle tickets  we also need your help with volunteering for tasks/stalls and donations.  You can volunteer by accessing the following link and please see the attached flyer for donation requests.

Hope you all have a fun half term break.

Best wishes,

The FECS Team


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