
Category: Enrichment News

Roman life in Devon

The Year 8 Latin class visited our local RAMM museum this week for workshops on Roman life and a tour of the Roman exhibits. We

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Deconstruction in ICT Club

Screwdrivers at the ready! ICT Club have been dismantling and re-building their computers. This week pupils cracked open a PC to familiarise themselves with its

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Chaplain’s Corner

This morning Years 2-8 met together for our usual Eucharist, to mark the start of the Trinity term and to celebrate the joyful message of

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International Day

On the 3rd April 2019, International Day took place in the Chapter House. It was a spectacular event that went down extremely well. Adults and

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All Aboard!

Last Monday, Year 2 travelled to Brixham to find out what life was like aboard a real pirate ship. After a brief introduction from the Captain, we

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Chaplain’s Corner

A week of kindness, care and reflection. In our worship this week, we have continued to think about kindness, what it is, how we show

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