
Boarding House News

Hello from the boarding house. All is well and busy here in Eyre House. It has been a busy month for birthdays. We have had a belated 13th birthday party for a snow bound boarder. It seems impossible that it was only two weeks ago we had such extreme weather. Monday night saw a fun 13th birthday party with cake, games and prizes. This prompted the 8 and 9 year olds whose birthdays fall next week to start planning their own celebrations ! We are all getting rather used to ‘Red Velvet’ cake !

Now that the evenings are getting so much lighter it gives the boarders a chance to get some extra fresh air before supper and Miss Rhodes spring flowers and hanging basket are all in bloom. The clocks will be going on to British Summer Time soon and that will give us even more evening daylight, however another ‘Beast from the East’, is forecast for this weekend. We have all had enough of snow for this winter thank you very much !

We are having an Indian food themed evening in boarding on March 22nd. We are also busy planning a big boarding sleep over for Friday 8th June. To celebrate National Boarding Week we will have a Barbecue and Games event on Saturday 23rd June and finally there will be a ‘Peter Pan’ boarders panto’ written by our own budding author on Thursday 28th June, so please do save the dates.

It was lovely to see the children playing lots of board games this week. Both are presents from parents so a huge thank you for the Exeter edition of Monopoly and the Back Gammon set.

Finally we were thrilled to see our boarders represented at the joint Blundells/ECS concert held at the Great Hall on Wednesday. Well done to them all for their sterling efforts and I look forward to catching up with some of you at tonight’s charity concert in the cathedral.

Mrs Lacey
Head of Boarding


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