
FECS Letter 22nd March
It’s been a very busy few weeks in Hall House. The Usborne ‘Read and Listen’ which was a huge success with a visit from the Gruffalo and a Coffee morning and book sale to accompany it.  We should be able to announce the total raised for the library once we have received all the remaining sponsorship.
Hall House has also had another fantastic cake sale today, which was hosted by Reception year who provided lots of delicious cakes for sale.

The fun does not end there as ECS staff will be hosting a Bingo and Bubbles evening for FECS, so if you haven’t yet bought your tickets you can purchase them online at There are lots of wonderful prizes to be won!

Upcoming events this term:

Bingo & Bubbles – 29th March, Kalendar Hall 7pm
FECS General Meeting, 1st May, The Radford Room 7pm
FECS Coffee Morning, 3rd May Kalendar Hall 8:30am – 10:30am
FECS Art Exhibition and Annual Auction, 17th May, The Chapter House 7pm

*Save The Date*

Summer Fete – 15th June, Cathedral Green, 10-4pm

Best wishes,

Cleofe (Chair) & The FECS team.

Email: [email protected]


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